Merchandiser – Modern, Clean Online Store Theme for WooCommerce:
A simple, fast and reliable eCommerce WordPress Theme. Packed with everything you need to set up a beautiful online store or any kind of website, the theme was built to be minimalistic in terms of design, fast in terms of performance and reliable in terms of maintenance, the opposite of what people call over-bloated.
Featured Products
Use a widget to showcase top products, a specific category or tag, products on sale, featured products or recently viewed products on any page of your store.
Related Products
Show related products to help customers find complementary products or encourage them to purchase more.
Unlimited Images and Galleries
Include any number of photos to show off your products. Set a featured image to highlight the best photo site-wide.
Product Ratings and Reviews
Show customer feedback directly on the product page, including a “Verified Owner” label.
Unlimited Variations
Offer any number of variations (like color, size, fabric and so on) for a product with the option to set prices, stock, and images for each variation.
Affiliate Products
Show products available on other sites with an affiliate link for customers to purchase them.